UNICA South Sardinia - Sustainable Tourism Laboratory
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Ente di Afferenza
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Area / Struttura
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali
Department of Economics and Business
Responsabile Laboratorio
Prof. Patrizia Modica
The laboratory has the objective to share experiences, best practices among territories, disseminate knowledge among European destinations, develop and share data collected through surveys disseminated to enterprises, public entities and administrations, institutions and associations. This process is accompanied by the development of an IT cloud to be used by destinations with the aim of planning, managing and monitoring sustainable tourism using both ETIS (European Tourism Indicator System) methodology as an operational management instrument and the model of the international organization GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council) for the destination training.
Prof. Modica, with a vast experience in the field of sustainable tourism, has overseen the Destination Management Organization (DMO) "Visit South Sardinia" assessment process for sustainability. The European Commission has recognized "Visit South Sardinia" as the first sustainable destination among two hundred territories which had implemented ETIS indicators during the pilot phases 2013-2015 (ETIS AWARDS, "Visit South Sardinia e UNICA ritirano il premio" http://www.unica.it/pub/7/show.jsp?id=32948&iso=22&is=7).
Prof. Modica, with a vast experience in the field of sustainable tourism, has overseen the Destination Management Organization (DMO) "Visit South Sardinia" assessment process for sustainability. The European Commission has recognized "Visit South Sardinia" as the first sustainable destination among two hundred territories which had implemented ETIS indicators during the pilot phases 2013-2015 (ETIS AWARDS, "Visit South Sardinia e UNICA ritirano il premio" http://www.unica.it/pub/7/show.jsp?id=32948&iso=22&is=7).
Attività rivolte alle imprese,
enti pubblici, cittadini
enti pubblici, cittadini
Prestazioni a pagamento
Convenzioni con Enti Pubblici
Ricerca commissionata
Partecipazione a progetti nazionali di ricerca in partenariato
Partecipazione a progetti internazionali di ricerca in partenariato
Didattica Universitaria
Eventi di divulgazione scientifica
Convenzioni con Enti Pubblici
Ricerca commissionata
Partecipazione a progetti nazionali di ricerca in partenariato
Partecipazione a progetti internazionali di ricerca in partenariato
Didattica Universitaria
Eventi di divulgazione scientifica
Attività rivolte ai ricercatori
Partecipazione a progetti nazionali di ricerca in partenariato
Partecipazione a progetti internazionali di ricerca in partenariato
Partecipazione a progetti internazionali di ricerca in partenariato
Servizi del Laboratorio
a. Subscription to UNICA South Sardinia
Services offered with price list: YES
The laboratory has the objective to promote the culture of sustainability, to promote research, to encourage the educational and in field activities and to foster participation in research projects involving territories/researchers partnerships.
Subscription to UNICA South Sardinia provides:
-Information, training and updating European and international sustainable tourism standards, with a focus on the ETIS indicator system (European Tourism Indicator System).
-Participation in roundtables among stakeholders connected with UNICA South Sardinia.
Subscription to UNICA South Sardinia provides:
-Information, training and updating European and international sustainable tourism standards, with a focus on the ETIS indicator system (European Tourism Indicator System).
-Participation in roundtables among stakeholders connected with UNICA South Sardinia.
Strumenti utilizzati: Human resources and IT
Entrance Fee
Enterprises (€100)
Associations (€100)
Public authorities and organisations (€100)
Membership (fixed tax annual service)
Enterprises (< di 50 employees = €150; >di 50 employees = €250)
Associations (€200)
Public authorities and organisations (€300)
Enterprises (€100)
Associations (€100)
Public authorities and organisations (€100)
Membership (fixed tax annual service)
Enterprises (< di 50 employees = €150; >di 50 employees = €250)
Associations (€200)
Public authorities and organisations (€300)
b. Destination profile
Services offered with price list: NO
Identification, composition and organisation of destination environmental, social, economic and managerial features.
Strumenti utilizzati: Human resources and IT
c. Dissemination of sustainability practices of enterprises/associations/public authorities/institutions/destinations
Services offered with price list: NO
Digital Mapping and communication of sustainable tourism practices to stakeholders in the area through social media and other online platforms.
Strumenti utilizzati: Human resources and IT
d. Establishment of a stakeholder group
Services offered with price list: NO
Identification, definition, composition and convocation of a working group comprised of the public and private sector. Mapping, among members of the stakeholders group, of ownership of the available data.
Strumenti utilizzati: Human resources and IT
e. Establishing stakeholders roles and responsibilities
Services offered with price list: NO
Stakeholders group meetings, sharing of knowledge and experiences on tourism management and monitoring. Definition of a work plan.
Strumenti utilizzati: Human resources and IT
f. Destination and stakeholders training on sustainability
Services offered with price list: NO
Development of a Sustainable Management and Monitoring System (SMMS) training manual and/or design and implementation of a training program for SMMS administrators.
Strumenti utilizzati: Human resources and IT
g. Definition and composition of the sustainable tourism indicators to be used
Services offered with price list: NO
Definition of a data/information/indicator system for the management and monitoring of sustainable tourism in the destination according to the European standard ETIS.
Strumenti utilizzati: Human resources and IT
h. Annual access and use of an online Cloud-based benchmarking system
Services offered with price list: NO
Use of an IT platform developed and recognized at international level for the sustainable tourism data/information/indicators insertion and sharing.
Strumenti utilizzati: Human resources and IT
i. Data collection and recording in the online Cloud-based benchmarking system
Services offered with price list: NO
Data and information collection for combining sustainable tourism indicators. Recording in the online Cloud-based system.
Strumenti utilizzati: Human resources and IT
l. Survey preparation and adminstration, recording in the online Cloud-based benchmarking system
Services offered with price list: NO
Survey definition and adminstration to enterprises, public authorities and institutions, tourists and destination residents for the determination of the indicators system. Recording in the online Cloud-based system
Strumenti utilizzati: Human resources and IT
m. Result analysis
Services offered with price list: NO
Analysis of the sustainable tourism indicators system acquired through in field monitoring activities and secondary data collection
Strumenti utilizzati: Human resources and IT
n. Development of the data system for tourism planning and management
Services offered with price list: NO
The data system is functional for action planning, destination priority definition and strategic management for the long-term upgrading and improvement.
Strumenti utilizzati: Human resources and IT
Strumenti del Laboratorio
Software LimeSurvey version 2.x
Lime Survey software manages online surveys administered to destination stakeholders. Lime Survey, applied to the research and in field activities, allows to identify, group together data uploaded, and qualitative/quantitative indicators for tourism management. It facilitates analysis and interpretation of the tourism field and related sectors. The information, data and analysis obtained are the basis for policy-making actions in territories. The system can be used by enterprises, public authorities, associations and public institutions in favour of sustainable and green tourism practices.
Modalità di accesso
The laboratory is available upon request
Contatta il laboratorio
Contatta il laboratorio
Dove si trova
Cagliari, Department of Economics and Business, Via S.Ignazio 74, Sardinia, ITALY